The release that best embodies our pursuit of Beautiful Orthodoxy.
The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ
Fleming Rutledge (Eerdmans)
“Fleming Rutledge has always had a reputation for bold, relentlessly scriptural, and Cross-centered preaching. In this book, the work of a lifetime, she pulls back the lid on the deep well of exegetical, theological, and spiritual reflection that has nourished her ministry. If previous generations of evangelicals looked to John Stott’s The Cross of Christ as their definitive work on Christ’s atoning work, I predict future generations of evangelicals will return again and again, in the same way, to The Crucifixion. This book is a classic in the making, one that will go on nurturing gospel-rich preaching for decades to come.” —Wesley Hill, assistant professor of biblical studies, Trinity School for Ministry
“The Crucifixion is restorative. It restores the centrality of the Cross of Christ to everything in the world. Rutledge provides a robust and winsome attempt at a cruciform understanding of evil. She magnifies the excruciating first-century realities behind ‘suffered under Pontus Pilate’ and relates them to the present-day realities of moral evil, massive tragedies, and global suffering. The book demonstrates that Christ’s death and descent into hell powerfully and sufficiently addresses both the longings and atrocities of our fallen world.” —Eric Redmond, assistant professor, Moody Bible Institute
“The Cross of Jesus Christ is the confounding heart of ‘beautiful orthodoxy’—confounding because, as Rutledge shows so powerfully, crucifixion itself is so ugly we cannot truly bear it. And yet, as she builds her case for the unique significance of Jesus’ …
Source: Christianity Today Most Read