Set for release spring 2017, The Beatitudes Project a book Words From the Hill (An Invitation to the Unexpected) from NavPress, a full-length album Beatitudes with The Fuel Music, and a documentary film currently in the works reveals a wide world of connected stories real people from all faiths and walks of life who embody mercy, poverty, meekness, the hungry and thirsty, the peacemakers, the mourners, and the pure in heart–as seen, heard and experienced through a twenty-first century lens.
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Over a decade in the making, the project is the culmination of guitarist, songwriter and author Stu Garrard's (Stu G) excavation of these "blessings at the bottom of life." For the album, he explored in community with like-minded artists across a wide swath in the musical landscape. Celebrated artists like Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith and Martin[…] Source: Christian Music