The quest to detach morality from divine revelation has only led to one dead end after another. Can science tell us how we ought to behave? In Science and the Good, a book that crosses the boundaries of history, philosophy, and psychology, sociologist James Davison Hunter and philosopher Paul Nedelisky examine nearly 400 years of …
What Halloween gets right about spirits and why Christians have nothing to be afraid of. “That time of year thou mayst in me behold, When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang, Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.” –William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73 William …
Christians’ eagerness to understand God’s will in real time can cause them to overlook fundamental biblical and divine principles. Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t the first to compare Donald Trump to the ancient Persian leader, Cyrus. But he’s probably been the most prominent. Following the 45th president’s announcement earlier this year that the US embassy in Israel …
Both religion and politics have complicated it. How do we start fresh? It was one of the ugliest presidential elections in US history. On one side was a candidate who was smeared in the press as too sensitive to be a man and too brutish to be a woman. Fake news stories, planted by opposing …
Patti Callahan uses historical fiction to trace the transformative journey of C. S. Lewis’s wife. Patti Callahan is the author of over a dozen critically acclaimed novels. Her new book, Becoming Mrs. Lewis: The Improbable Love Story of Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis, lifts Davidman from behind the shadow of her famous husband, shining …
How round-the-clock headlines distort our focus on eternity. These days, Christians may be tempted to join the 24/7 news cycle to push back against the ignorance, distortion, and bias they see emptied into the public square. That’s what the Christian Broadcasting Network recently opted to do with its new CBN News Channel. I understand the …
The odd Old Testament episode is a sharp reminder of our need for Jesus. It’s been a bad year for pastoral scandals in the church. Whether Roman Catholic cardinals or high-profile Protestant pastors, it’s been devastating and sobering to read about sins and abuses by those entrusted to preach the gospel and shepherd God’s people. …
How caring for miscarried children offers a radically pro-life vision. In July 2017, my husband and I lost a son to miscarriage 14 weeks into my pregnancy. Earlier that year, we had experienced a miscarriage at around 6 weeks. Both miscarriages were devastating, but our second loss was different in one respect: This time we …
What spirituality has to do with place, creativity, community, and subversion. If Eugene H. Peterson was not a Presbyterian, he might be a monk. His best-known books, from A Long Obedience in the Same Direction to Earth and Altar, deal with the practice of Christian spirituality. And Eugene is of a monastic demeanor. He is …
When I wanted to take Communion in prison, I had to “steal” it. I’m a big fan of the Eucharist. So was John Wesley. Though you might not know it with the relative non-centrality of the sacrament in most Methodist worship services, the founder of Methodism never went more than four or five days in …